This lab serves the ESE 123, ESE 272, ESE 323 and ESE 324. The Analog Circuits and Systems Design Laboratory (ACSDL) contains a several workstations equipped for testing simple to complex analog circuits, from DC to 20MHz. Each workstation consists of the following test equipment: PC with ATE connectivity; Key sight Model DSO3012A 100MHz Two channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope; Agilent Model E3631A Triple Power Supply; Agilent Model 34450A and 34401A Multimeters; Agilent Model 33120A and 33220A Arbitrary Waveform Generators; Philips Model 6303A Automatic RLC meter. This laboratory also includes 8 Soldering Stations for the assembly of printed circuit boards.
This laboratory serves ESE 118, ESE 280, ESE 366, and ESE 381. The Digital Systems Rapid Prototyping Laboratory (DSPRL) is devoted to teaching, research, and system design projects involving advanced digital systems employing embedded microprocessor based systems and HDL (VHDL, Verilog, SystemC) based digital systems.
The DSRPL facility is structured to support advanced digital design projects, as well as the laboratory portion of an upper division undergraduate digital design courses. Each workstation in the lab provides access to a number of sophisticated software design packages, including ActiveHDL, Synplify Pro, ispLEVER, etc. The design verification stations may also be configured with a variety of test and debugging equipment, as needed for a respective design project.
The laboratory contains a several workstations, each consisting of a Keysight MSO3012A 100MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope/16 Bit Digital Logic Analyzer, a PB 505 Digital Design Workstation and personal computer. The Digital Logic Analyzer can capture and display up to 16 channels of digital data via a flexible dual 8-channel cable. Data acquisition is accomplished by normal, time base, channel activity, or glitching triggering. The PB 505 Digital Design Workstation is a multi-function breadboard system, which consists of the following: A three section Solderless Breadboard for the construction and testing of a circuits; A function generator (0.1Hz to 100KHz); Three internal power supplies (a fixed +5VDC, variable +1.3VDC to +15 VDC, variable -1.3VDC to -15 VDC); 16 LED logic indicators; 8 logic switches.
This laboratory serves ESE 381, ESE 342, ESE 347. The Embedded DSP and Communications System Design Laboratory (EDCSDL) is devoted to system design projects involving complex systems using general microprocessors and special processors. The EDCSDL contains various computer interfaced equipment to carry out many advanced projects in digital signal processing and digital communications applications.
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Aided Design Laboratory (CADL) is the primary computing resource for all undergraduate courses taught in the department. The ECE CADL laboratory offers undergraduate students access to CAD software tools used to analyze, model, simulate, and the better understanding engineering concepts. The lab supports every undergraduate course in the department.
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Multi-purpose Design Laboratory (MDL) is the primary facility for supporting senior design projects (ESE 440, ESE 441). The MDL contains various advanced equipment to carry out the projects.