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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Course List / Syllabus

게시물 검색
  • Develops methods of analysis and design of both combinational and sequential systems regarding digital circuits as functional blocks. Utilizes demonstrations and laboratory projects consisting of building hardware on breadboards and simulation of design using CAD tools. Topics include: number systems and codes; switching algebra and switching functions; standard combinational modules and arithmetic circuits; realization of switching functions; latches and flip-flops; standard sequential modules; memory, combinational, and sequential PLDs and their applications; design of system controllers. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 218/219.

    Prerequisite: ESE 123

    SBC:     TECH

    4 credits

  • Introduction to topics in computational mathematics, such as number systems, Boolean algebra, mathematical induction, combinatorics and probability, recursion and graph theory. Algorithm aspects of the topics discussed will be emphasized.

    Corequisite: ESE 123

    3 credits

  • Introduces basic electrical and computer engineering concepts in a dual approach that includes: laboratories for hands-on wired and computer simulation experiments in analog and logic circuits, and lectures providing concepts and theory relevant to the laboratories. Emphasizes physical insight and applications rather than theory. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.

    Pre- or Corequisites: AMS 151 or MAT 125 or 131

    SBC:     TECH

    4 credits

  • The course presents fundamental and more advanced C programming concepts. Lectures discuss the C language constructs and exemplify their using in relevant programming applications. The course also introduces fundamental concepts in electrical and computer engineering, such as bitwise operations, text file scanning, stack-based computation, table-based finite state machine implementation, hash tables, and linked lists. Scheduled lab activities focus on devising, implementing, debugging, and validating C programs for the concepts discussed in class. A course project focuses on developing a more extensive C program that comprehensively utilizes the programming concepts discussed during the semester. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 124.

    Prerequisite: Declared Area of Interest or Major in Electrical or Computer Engineering.

    4 credits

  • The course presents fundamental data structures and algorithms frequently used in engineering applications. Object oriented programming in C++ is used to teach the concepts. Discussed topics include: programming and applications of data structures; stacks, queues, lists, heaps, priority queues, and introduction to binary trees. Recursive programming is heavily utilized. Fundamental sorting algorithms are examined along with informal efficiency analysis. May not be taken for credit in addition to EEO 224.

    Prerequisite: ESE 124

    4 credits

  • The course covers the following topics: passive circuit elements: resistors, capacitors, inductors. Elements of circuit topology. Kirchhoff's and Ohm's law. Nodal and mesh analysis. Equivalent circuits. Steady-state AC circuits. Phasors. Transient analysis. Laplace transforms. Fundamentals of AC power, coupled inductors (transformers). Not for credit in addition to EEO 271.

    Prerequisite: MAT 127 or 132 or AMS 161

    Pre/co-requisite: PHY 127/134 or 132/134 or 142

    3 credits

  • Fundamental design of microcontroller-based electronic systems. Topics include system level architecture, microcontrollers, memory, configurable ports, peripheral ICs, interrupts, sensors, and actuators, serial data protocols, assembly language programming, debugging, and table driven FSMs. Hardware/software trade-offs in implementing system functions. Hardware and software design are equally emphasized. Laboratory work involves design, implementation, and verification of microcontroller systems. This course has an associated fee. Please see www.stonybrook.edu/coursefees for more information.

    Prerequisite: ESE or ECE major; ESE 118 or permission of instructor.

    4 credits

  • Introduction to signals and systems. Manipulation of simple analog and digital signals. Relationship between frequencies of analog signals and their sampled sequences. Sampling theorem. Concepts of linearity, time-invariance, causality in systems. Convolution integral and summation; FIR and IIR digital filters. Differential and difference equations. Laplace transform, Z-transform, Fourier series and Fourier transform. Stability, frequency response and filtering. Provides general background for subsequent courses in control, communication, electronics, and digital signal processing. Not for credit in addition to EEO 301.

    Pre- or Corequisite: ESE 271

    3 credits