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Electrical and Computer Engineering

SBC Requirements

Demonstrate Versatility

  1. 1ARTS Explore and understand the fine and performing arts
  2. 2GLO Engage in global issues
  3. 3HUM Address problems using critical analysis and the methods of the humanities
  4. 4QPS Master quantitative problem solving (Must earn a C or better)
  5. 5SBS Understand, observe, and analyze human behavior and the structure and functioning of society
  6. 6SNW Study the natural world
  7. 7TECH Understand technology
  8. 8USA Understand the political, economic, social, and cultural history of the United States
  9. 9WRT Write effectively in English (Must earn a C or better)

Explore Interconnectedness

  1. 1STAS Examine Significant Relationships between Science, Technology and the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences.

Pursue Deeper Understanding (choose 3 of the 4 options listed below)

  1. 1EXP+ Experiential learning
  2. 2HFA+ Humanities and fine arts
  3. 3SBS+ Social and behavioral sciences
  4. 4STEM+ Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Prepare for Lifelong Learning

  1. 1CER Practice and respect critical and ethical reasoning
  2. 2DIV Respect for Diversity and Inclusiveness
    • DIV is required for 1) Freshmen who matriculate in Fall 2019 and after; 2) students who rematriculate in Fall 2019 and after; and 3) transfer students who matriculated in Spring 2020 and after.
  3. 3ESI Evaluate and synthesize researched information
  4. 4SPK Speak effectively before an audience
  5. 5WRTD Write effectively within one’s discipline