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SUNY Korea Student Wins the Minister Prize in the ICT Colloquium 2020​
Hits : 839 Registration Date : 2021-01-14 Author : Administrator

Dong Yeob Lee, a CS student at SUNY Korea, received the Minister Prize for his “smart inventory system” in the ICT Colloquium 2020. ICT Colloquium 2020 was hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT to nurture qualified professionals in the ICT field. K- Digital New Deal D.N.A, as the theme of 2020, online exhibition of technological achievements was held. Students and professors from 33 universities and research centers participated in the event and shared research results and achievements in the ICT field.


Dong Yeob Lee is the CEO of the startup company, Zero Class Lab, which uses software technology to increase the efficiency of life. Zero Class Lab first started as a team of three undergraduate students from SUNY Korea and Professor Jihoon Ryoo as their adviser. Using computer vision and AI, the team developed the smart inventory system to make the current inefficient inventory system more accurate and transparent through digitalization. 


Congratulations on your achievement!


ICT Colloquium 2020: http://www.ict-colloquium.kr/pmode/program


Find out more about Zero Class Lab: https://blog.naver.com/suny-korea/222010545089

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